Monday, January 16, 2012

Never mistake motion for action

As I was unpacking my last bit of things today I found this quote:

"Never mistake motion for action."
-Ernest Hemingway

At least the way I read it, I believe it.
So many people work their days away in books, in papers, going here and going there, hoping that it will pay off.  Thinking that if they strive and slave away at this one class, it will make it all better in the end.  Or they work and work at that one job, as hard as they can, waiting for a way out.  Are they doing the right thing?  I believe so much in working hard and never giving up on your dreams, ever.  
The way you achieve your goals and make your own accomplishments is another thing.  I want to know that what I am doing, at any given time, is what I want to be doing and what I should be doing.  

I am going to take a step forward every day of my life, in the right direction.  Not only for myself.  For the ones I love, the ones that are the dearest and closest to me, and the stranger I just met on the side of the road.

I am generous and I am selfish
I am kind and I am mean
I am loving, but I am far...
I am scarred, but I am free.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

I might just greet the sun tomorrow

I told my self I was going to start new in Africa.  Do the things I have always wanted to do.  The dreams and imaginations i had stirring and bubbling in my mind.  They hadn't overflowed, only wasting precious space until I use them.  What is a dream when you don't try?  I am not going to waste away.

Africa changed with me.  The thick smell of spring and the lush green bush showed itself to me in the morning.  The river of the reserve is now flowing and the wildebeest and Eland have come out of the wetlands to feed on the sweet grasses of the plains. 

I will change with everything around me...
Become brighter like the nature I see all around and be where I am.  Whether I am eating breakfast, running, talking with a friend--My whole mind will be right there.  I know what I need to do and I know when I have gone to far and when I should be, but I'm not.  The part of me that "knows" is now the biggest part of me. I am now going to do what I want to do and couldn't before.  I am going to thank her forever.

I never want to stop imagining and never want to stop dreaming.  I can make my own perfect world in my dreams and that's where I'll start.  If I can;t make it perfect, we will sure as hell try.  Idealism never sounded too bad.

I have already started them with you....

It was a fight

I didn't want to fight, but when you have the greatest thing.  A cure to ills no other drug could compare too.  A person who reminds you everyday who it is you are....There is bound to be a fight.

I tore down mountains.  Fought my demons for her and it was the hardest thing I have ever done.  Yet the easiest, she only needed to look at me and I saw our lives play out right there.  I imagined it all saw our dreams come true and knew I could only be hers. She saved me from the beast i had on the outside.  Now, I look at my hands and look at myself and see the scars left on my from my life.  When I lean closer  I see them most in my eyes.  The good scars and bad scars are all there, brightening and darkening all shades of the iris.  I like to think now, I am becoming brighter....